Monday, June 3, 2013

Artisan Business Group Co-Hosts Yiwu Business and Government Delegation

Artisan Business Group is co-hosting an inbound high ranking executive delegation from China in Chicago on June 18th. More details will be announced. For more information, please bookmark this blog or contact Tyler McKay at for event registration.

Event:              Visit by delegation from Yiwu Municipal Government
Venue:             Chicago (to be announced soon)
Date:               June 18th, 2013
Cost:               $500/person
Attire:               Formal

Yiwu municipal government (Yiwu City, Zhejiang Province) is heading a 50 member strong business delegation to the United States. It is looking for investment and partnership opportunities with the US companies. Business executives from the China Small Commodities Market are vising the United States with the municipal delegation.  US business interested in expanding their business to China and looking for investments are encourage to join this event.