Dr. Ann Shin is the Founding Partner of Ultrafund Capital (极丰资本)and Fenox General Partner for Blockchain Fund. She has been interviewed by U-Channel TV, BlogTalkRadio, TechCrunchRadio…etc., and invested in 20+ ICOs and run an ICO newsletter of 2,000+ members. She also is an event organizer of 15 Meetup groups of more than 50,000 members altogether.
Dr. Shin is a graduate of UC Berkeley (BA) and Columbia University (Doctor of Education). She is a Psychology Instructor at University of East West Medicine Serial Entrepreneur and Management/Executive/Board of Director for companies. Since April 2018, Dr. Shin already spoken at numerous blockchain conferences, we are very excited to have her speaking at the 2018 US China Blockchain and Digital Currency Conference in Los Angeles on August 22, 2018. Register today at http://www.blockchainchinaconnect.com