Thursday, May 25, 2017

Chinese investment in US may slow

(Source: China Daily) Foreign direct investment flow between the world's two largest economies may be lower in 2017 than last year as a result of an expected slowdown in Chinese flows to the United States, according to a report released in Washington on Wednesday. The forecast change comes after their two-way FDI reached a record high of $60 billion in 2016. Read more at

2017 New Regulations and Trends: China Outbound Investments Seminar is taking place on June 6, 2017 in Chicago, Illinois.  Please register at

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Big Read: China's road to the future

(Source: NZ Herald) Cash has been committed, promises have been made and leaders' hands have been shaken. But for all the buzz in Beijing about China's "Belt and Road Initiative", scepticism still dogs the vast trade and infrastructure programme. The initiative, unveiled by President Xi Jinping in 2013, is touted as a visionary scheme to build infrastructure and expand trade throughout Asia, Africa and Europe.  Read more at

2017 New Regulations and Trends: China Outbound Investments Seminar is taking place on June 6, 2017 in Chicago, Illinois.  Please register online today at

Thursday, April 6, 2017

ABG to host 2017 New Regulations and Trends: China Outbound Investments Seminar

2017 New Regulations and Trends: China Outbound Investments Seminar (中国对外投资的新规定与新趋势) is taking place on May 31, 2017 in Chicago, Illinois.  The much-anticipated Chinese outbound investment workshop will bring together executives and professionals for a day of high level discussion, peer to peer exchanges and one on one networking sessions. The workshop will focus on reviewing new regulatory changes, restrictions and alternative solutions. We will also cover some of the latest developments and trends of Chinese outbound investment.  

Program Topics:
  • "One Belt, One Road" initiatives & USA
  • Must-know trends for 2017 and beyond
  • New regulations and restrictions on outbound investments
  • New trends in emerging industry sectors
  • Alternative financing for US projects
  • Challenges and solutions for outbound investments from China

Please register online at 

Friday, March 10, 2017

Artisan Business Group to host Dallas investment event April 11-13, 2017

Artisan Business Group is hosting a Chinese investment forum on April 11-13, 2017.  Dallas has becoming more and more popular among Chinese investors as a key destination in Texas and the US. The key reasons for attractiveness are the reasonably cheaper real estate, high growth of business, and one of the best public school systems in the country. The event is specifically organized for are Chinese speaking nationals from China. The April 11 forum will feature expert speakers on real estate investment and management, retirement, estate planing, wealth management, non-immigration and immigration visa programs, and more.

The three day event will also include two days activities of visiting local schools, gated real estate communities, Bush Center and a NBA basketball game. To learn more about the sponsorship program, please contact us at or log on

Thursday, February 9, 2017

即刻报名! 2017年第一场中美投资论坛


美国波多黎各新总督Ricardo Rossello Nevares博士热忱欢迎中国企业家、驻美中资企业、旅美华人商业精英赴波多黎各首府圣胡安共襄盛举 - 3月1-3日中国加勒比海投资论坛暨第四届美中商业协会美中杰出贡献奖颁奖仪式!今天就立刻报名!


2017年2月7日,美国波多黎各新总督Ricardo Rossello Nevares博士在上任后的首次新闻发布会中用中文“你好”作为开场白,讲述了他多年前于中国合伙人在北京和苏州开展生物医药工程业务的故事。在新闻发布会中,新总督Ricardo Rossello Nevares表示,由美国波多黎各政府、中国国际贸易促进委员会驻美代表处、盈科加勒比海中国中心,美中商业协会和雅商顾问集团主办,多家单位协办和支持赞助的2017年度第一场中美投资论坛将于三月一日至三日在美国波多黎各首府圣胡安隆重举行,这将是美国新任总统特朗普上台后第一场美中投资论坛。

美国领地波多黎各自由邦地理位置和政治地位非常独特,具有“加勒比海的新加坡”和“美国的后花园“的美誉,也是美国境内唯一的“避税天堂“,其所处的加勒比海地区景色优美、物产丰富,发展旅游业有着得天独厚的自然条件,是全球最具吸引力的旅游目的地和避税天堂之一。波多黎各经济的主要支柱是医疗医药制造业、服装制造、电子产品制造、航空航天等,清洁能源和高科技产业极具发展潜力,近十年来,旅游业得到了迅速发展,每年接待海内外观光客三百多万人次。 越来越多的波多黎各企业希望能与中国企业和投资者展开合作。



Friday, February 3, 2017

How to Fix the EB-5 Cash-for-Visas Immigration Program

When Harlem Unemployment Pays for Midtown Luxury-  Source: City Lab
A 1990s-era cash-for-visas program was designed to lure foreign investment to distressed communities. Instead, it subsidizes luxury real estate. Congress and President Trump can either reform it, scrap it—or shore up the status quo.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

ABG to host US Investment Opportunities Forum in Dallas

Artisan Business Group will be hosting the 2017 US Investment Opportunities Forum in Dallas Texas mid-April 2017. The 3-day professional training and business opportunity program will provide executive training for investment and wealth managers from China. The topics will cover direct investments, wealth management, real estate, insurance and immigration programs; on site visits and meetings with Dallas area business communities will be scheduled. Texas and City of Dallas have becoming more and more popular among investors and new immigrants from China.  Direct daily flights to Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong and business friendly environment in Dallas have been attracting many Chinese investors to consider Dallas and Texas as a new destination for their investments.

Corporate sponsorship program is available. Please contact us for complete details at 

Thursday, December 15, 2016

EB-5 visa program gets another lifeline until end of April

(Source: The Real Deal) Congress extended the EB-5 program until April 28, marking yet another short-term renewal of the controversial visa program. The program, which grants foreign investors green cards after they invest at least $500,000 in job-producing ventures, was set to expire on Friday. EB-5 was included in the continuing resolution Congress passed. Ronnie Fieldstone, an Arnstein & Lehr attorney who represents EB-5 regional centers and developers, said the extension will give more time to get a new bill passed. Fieldstone and others expect President-elect Donald Trump to support the program – his stance could have a major impact on his son-in-law Jared Kushner’s businesses. Kushner Companies used EB-5 funds for his Trump Bay Street rental tower in Jersey City. “No one can argue we’re creating American jobs, bringing in wealthy, talented people to create jobs,” Fieldstone told The Real Deal.

At a panel hosted by TRD in Shanghai last month, advocates of the visa program said it was likely to thrive under Trump. “His strong stance [is] against illegal immigration,” former New York Gov. George Pataki said. “And EB-5 is a legal immigration program. He understands the need for capital, the need for investment.” A new bill would likely raise the minimum investment requirement from $500,000 to $800,000 in high unemployment areas and from $1 million to $1.2 million in low unemployment areas. The minimum investment hasn’t changed since 1992. New legislation could also redefine targeted employment areas, or TEAs. Critics say the program’s current structure disproportionately benefits wealthy areas.

Noel Epelboim, a Venezuelan developer who’s working on EB-5 funded projects in Miami, said limiting the employment areas would “be a good thing.” He’s secured 16 investors out of 24 for the EB-5 component of a 190-room, seven-story EVEN Hotel near Miami International Airport, all from Latin America. In all, EB-5 investors have partially funded Epelboim’s office condo project in Doral, a Class A building in Miramar, and will be used for the development of a 240-room hotel in Orlando. He plans to launch one hotel a year for the next 10 years using EB-5 investment. In South Florida, developments like SkyRise Miami, Panorama Tower, Paramount Miami Worldcenter, Metropica, the Highlands, and a number of restaurants and hotels are all tapping into EB-5 funding. The program’s uncertain future has spooked some investors, though, with some agents putting new deals on hold until new legislation is passed, Fieldstone said. “It may not be done by April of next year,” he told TRD. “For all we know, immigration may be handled in one program and not just piecemeal.”