Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Brian Su's Houston EB-5 Seminar- April 29th- COME SEE US!

(Source: Jose Latour)

Anyone who has sought EB-5 investors from China and doesn't know who Brian Su is needs to take a step back and regroup.  The reality is that China, as the world's largest consumer of EB-5 Immigrant Investor visas, is the "Wild, Wild East" for EB-5 Regional Centers looking for Chinese VC.  China's booming investor market is administered by an unpoliced independent agency network which ranges from the extremely professional and reliable to the downright criminal.  The decision on WHO your Regional Center should work with in China is not to be taken lightly.
In 2010, an RC client wanted to plan some China events.  Although I like to think of myself as a seasoned veteran in that part of the world, it's been 14 years since I closed my satellite offices in Hong Kong and Manila;  when I last had an office there, Hong Kong was still an independant British protectorate, returning to Chinese authority in 1997!  Fourteen year old expertise is an oxymoron, needless to say.
Accordingly, I did what all intrepid attorneys do: I Googled. Then I Googled some more.  Then I called a few friends here and there.  And then I Yahooed.  All roads - and I do mean all roads -- led to Brian Su.  My initial reaction was that perhaps I'd finally found a guy better at marketing himself than me, a Deepak Chopra of EB5dom, if you will.  'Twas indeed the case, but for different reasons: Brian was the ubiquitous name not because of his self-promotion but, rather, because of the unique role he has carved out as the primary resource on EB-5 marketing in China available to the EB-5 industry, plain and simple.
I called Brian and he was as approachable as anyone with whom I've ever bantered EB-5 matters.  That led to another call with the client.  After patiently explaining the nature of EB-5 marketing in China to us and going over his services and fees, Brian did what many in the EB-5 sector simply would never do: he told us that he didn't think we were ready for China yet.  He explained that the client's project needed to have certain things in place and that he'd be happy to help us when it was time, but that he didn't want to take my client's money when he didn't think he could achieve their objectives as stated.  In an industry sector where mediocre attorneys with little understanding of the EB-5 routinely send spam touting their "expert" $75,000 EB-5 Regional Center formation services to clueless, cash-hungry developers, an honest man turning away a paying client is a notable contrast!
And so, like so many before me, I am an unabashed member of the "EB-5 in China = Brian Su" Fan Club.
On April 29th, 2011, Brian will be hosting another of his invaluable workshops (which sell out quickly), this time in Houston.  For the first time, he's invited several of us who live and breathe EB-5 to be a part of his presentation.  The folks he's invited, by no coincidence, just happen to be on the same page as Brian: straight-talking, no baloney experts who will give you the real lowdown on the EB-5 opportunity.  It's the first multifaceted, comprehensive seminar of its kind, and though the title is a bit unweildy (reminder to self: pithy lessons to Brian), it says it all:

EB-5 Regional Center Designation and Management, Investors Procurement and Project Case Study Seminar: Learn How EB-5 Program Helps You Fund Large Scale Real Estate, High Tech, Clean Energy and Manufacturing Investment Projects

If your project is considering targeting venture capital via the EB-5 visa category, this is an event you will NOT want to miss.  Your $569 seminar fee will get you a $10,000 education on EB-5, and you will learn the secrets, pitfalls, and strategies which those of us in this business have learned the hard way. 
Here's the link:
April 29th Houston EB-5 Seminar with Brian Su
P.S.I don't make a penny on this but tell Brian that Jose sent you so I can get the karma points...I want to be a regular on the Brian Su circuit! SEE YOU IN HOUSTON!