Monday, January 2, 2012

Artisan Business Group End of 2011 Review

2011 has been a great and busy year for Artisan Business Group and its China operation. We have organized over 10 EB-5 investment and Chinese real estate investment seminars, boot camps, and conferences in New York, Las Vegas, Boston, San Diego, Houston, Orlando, Los Angeles and Guangzhou China; all these events successfully attracted over 1000 business executives, commercial real estate developers, bankers, attorneys, immigration agents, government officials, venture capitalists, EB-5 professionals from all over the USA, China, Taiwan and Korea. In March, we traveled to China for the Invest America 2011 (Guangzhou) Summit & Exhibition which was co-organized by Artisan Business Group, the event had a great turnout.

In China, we introduced and worked on EB-5 projects affiliated with Hawaii Islands Regional Center, Northern California Regional Center, the State of Vermont Regional Center, EB-5 Jobs for MA Regional Center, Century American Regional Center, DC Regional Center, and Extell Regional Center. Many EB-5 regional center executives traveled with us to meet with Chinese emigration brokers around China. These private one-one-one meeting tours resulted many successful deals. Our relationship with licensed Chinese emigration agents and Korean brokers have been growing rapidly, some of these companies are the largest EB-5 emigration brokers in China. We also established close working relationship with Chinese emigration trade associations. Many Chinese emigration brokers have chosen Artisan Business Group to be their gatekeeper. The trust we earned is significant to our business.

In the US, we advised and assisted many companies in developing EB-5 investment projects under the Regional Center program, projects include hotels, manufacturing facilities, medical device, shopping centers, resorts, hospitals and office buildings.  We even brought in Chinese emigration agents to sign marketing contracts with some good EB-5 projects without having the developers to be in China - what a money saver!  We also had the opportunities of hosting a good number of inbound Chinese delegations and emigration agents who were very interested in exploring various business and investment opportunities in the U.S.

In 2012, we continue to organize EB-5 and real estate investment conferences and seminars around the country, we are planning events in Las Vegas, Miami, New York, Portland (Oregon), Chicago and other metropolitan cities. Mr. Brian Su will start a nationwide EB-5 consulting tour that will cover 20 cities in the US.  We are also promoting Chinese events such as "Invest in America 2012 (Shanghai) Summit & Exhibition" in February and another major Chinese real estate expo in April in China.  We are very excited with some new projects that we are working on at this moment, hopefully we will introduce these new EB-5 investment opportunities and real estate investment projects to Chinese market in next three months. In addition to EB-5 projects, we are also working on real estate investment and investment fund projects that are seeking Chinese investors.

As saying goodbye to 2011, we want to thank our EB-5 regional center clients, friends and many EB-5 services providers and attorneys that we work with, we hope to work with them again in the year to come.

Stay tuned!  For more information about our EB-5 regional center consulting services, contact us at