Saturday, April 28, 2012

Brian Su explores EB-5 Finance with Chicago Developers May 29-21, 2012

Mr. Brian Su, a leading expert on EB-5 marketing in China and Korea, is to advise commercial real estate developers, immigration attorneys, investment bankers, EB-5 executives, and venture capitalists, among others, on the latest happenings and trends in the Chinese and Korean immigrant investors market. Mr. Su, CEO of Artisan Business Group will be hosting three-day private one-on-one consultation sessions with area developers who are seeking EB-5 funding to finance development projects. The three day sessions will be taking place at Embassy Suites Chicago Downtown Lakefront May 29-31, 2012. The private consultation sessions will be provided by Mr. Brian Su, who is well equipped to help U.S. capital seekers utilize the EB-5 Program. Mr. Su acts as President and CEO of Artisan Business Group, Inc., a national consulting firm specializing in the development of market offerings for business projects seeking foreign capital. Additionally, Mr. Su acts as President of the China EB-5 Market Council. He is also a member of the Association to the Investment in the USA. Mr. Su's nationwide consulting tour will provide both EB-5 professionals and those inexperienced with the program a great opportunity to learn more about Chinese and Korean market trends. Attendees of the event will obtain knowledge and experience that will be invaluable in their efforts to obtain EB-5 foreign capital.  For more information regarding a private consultation with Mr. Su, please visit: