Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Chinese wealth continues to grow

As the Chinese population continues to increase, so does the amount of China’s high-net-worth individuals.

In a recent article found in CNBC, “China Urban Population Set to Explode…” it has been predicted that with the rapid increase of urban population in China could potentially raise the growth rate by .8 percentage points to 8.5 percent in 2015 and by 1.6 percentage points to 7.1 percent in 2020, underpinning sustained growth of 6-8 percent in the coming decade with an expected increase of 300 million.

A recent report in US News indicates that the amount of high net worth individuals (individuals with over $1 million in investable assets) in the US has dropped by 1.1 percent over the past year, but China’s has increased by 5.2 percent ( 27,000 individuals).

Even with predictions of export decrease as the United States and European countries struggle, the wealthy are not concerned. With the rapid expansion of the population any slowdown is temporary as the population consumption rate with close the gap that exports leave. With the increase in wealth on the rise, more and more high-net-worth individuals are looking for profitable investment opportunities in the United States. For more information about raising EB-5 capital, contact us today.