Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Chinese investment in the U.S.

(Source: China Daily) Inbound investment from China has been steadily increasing over the last decade.  Since year 2000 through the 3rd quarter of 2012, Chinese companies have invested and/or acquired in 593 deals in the U.S. with a total value of $22.6 billion. California, New York, Texas, Illinois, Michigan, North Carolina, New Jersey, Georgia, Washington, and Virginia are the top ten states that attracted Chinese investment.  China's biggest US manufacturing investment is a $1.3 billion plant in Gregory (TX) to produce seamless-steel pipe for oil and gas.  Set for completion is in 2014, the plant will create up to 2,000 local construction jobs and 300 manufacturing jobs in its first year of operation.

Investment by Industry (in $mil)

Aero, Auto & Transport: 60 deals / $1,541
Consumer Products: 80 deals / $441
Electronic and IT: 142 deals / $3,357
Finance & Business Services: 55 deals / $348
Fossil Fuels & Chemicals" 45 deals / $8,277
Health, Bio & Pharma: 38 deals / $591
Hospitality & Real Estate: 21 deals / $3,849
Industrial Machinery: 67 deals / $3,051
Logistics: 18 deals / $23
Metals and Minerals: 22 deals / $419
Renewable Energy: 45 deals / $729