Friday, December 13, 2013

Tips for shipping exhibition items to China

Many foreign companies attend exhibitions and trade shows in China, there are tips when dealing with Chinese Customs!  If you are planning on shipping your booth items or printing items to your hotel in China, in order for your shipment to be cleared at the Chinese Customs, please make sure to follow the instructions below:

  1. Please put your name (not company name, should be individual person's name) as the Recipient's Name.
  2. Please attach a written explanation with your shipment document to explain why you send the items to this business address, and indicate this is for personal use (it'll be much easier to have your items be cleared at the Customs if it is listed as personal item);
  3. Please attach a copy of recipient's passport along with your shipment document. Make sure include these pages: the photo page, Chinese visa stamp page and entry stamp pages.
  4. You will be responsible for the Customs duties if applicable.
  5. Ship items earlier so that it will arrive on time.