Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Happy New Year - Year of the Horse

We at Artisan Business Group wish our partners, clients and friends in China and the U.S. a happy new year!  The Year of Horse will be a very exciting year for EB-5 investors and agents as well as project developers. In the upcoming months, we are promoting and hosting some of the best EB-5 events:  Accelerated EB-5 Capital Raising Process Workshop (Feb. 5); the Invest in America 2014 (Shanghai) Summit (March 22-23), and others events in Florida (April), California (May), Montana and Hong Kong (June).

If you are developing a new EB-5 investment project and need to seek capital in China, please call us at 217-899-6661 or email: to find out more about EB-5 program.