Sunday, June 12, 2011

The EB-5 Boot Camp Announced in San Diego

Top EB-5 professionals and migration agents from the US and China will be gathering and networking at San Diego EB-5 Boot Camp on June 18, 2011,  The event organized by Mr. Brian Su will feature top EB-5 experts Mr. David Hirson, Mr. Kevin Wright, Mr. Joseph McCarthy, Mr. Michael Gibson, Mr. Jor Law, Mr. Michael Homeier, Mr. Steve Qi; and featured speaker from Asia Mr. Raymond Ku, chairman of Westlead Companies. Other special guests include Mr. John Jiang of Henry Global Group, Mr. Lu Sun of MasLink Group, bother firms are licensed migration agencies in China and actively marketing EB-5 regional center projects.  Mr. Jose Latour of Latour Law, Mr. John Li  of will also join us in San Diego.  Space is very limited, register to attend this compelling event at - if you are coming to AILA 2011 annual conference, do not miss this great networking event.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Chinese buyers lining up for US homes

(Source: China Daily) BEIJING - Chinese homebuyers have become the second-largest group of international buyers of homes in the United States, according to a recent report from a realtors association.
Sales from Chinese homebuyers made up 9 percent of the $41 billion in international sales for US homes, according to an annual report released by the US National Association of Realtors. It is a considerable spike in sales from the 2007 mark of 5 percent for Chinese buyers, before the financial meltdown in 2008.
The report tallied the number of sales for 12 months starting from March of last year. In that span, buyers from 70 countries and regions purchased homes in the US. Canada, at 23 percent, ranked at the top of the list, followed by China at 9 percent and India, Mexico and the United Kingdom each raking in 7 percent of sales. The five nations accounted for 53 percent of transactions among international buyers, according to the report. The total amount of property sales in the US over 12 months since March of last year was $1.07 trillion. The report, from an association that represents 1.2 million realtors across the US, said the international property purchases were heavily concentrated in four states - Florida, Texas, Arizona and California, accounting for 58 percent of sales. See China Daily's report on May 27, 2011.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

China Investment Conference Las Vegas on May 25, 2011

 Chinese direct investment offshore is at the beginning of an exponential take-off.  Investment into the U.S. is already doubling every year. (Financial Times, May 4).

About the Program:
The U.S. will see a dramatic increase in real estate investment from Asia in the next decade.  It will come from a variety of sources:
- Private investors
- Large institutional investment funds
- Immigrants entering the U.S. on EB-5 resident  visas
The conference is specifically designed for U.S. real estate developers, brokers and agents, bankers, business and immigration attorneys advising individual and corporate investors from China on investing in commercial and residential real estate investments.  Attendees will learn first hand about critical strategies for tax, immigration and financial structuring for foreign investors in  real estateLearn, mingle and network with experts in the cross border real estate arena as well as a an audience from around the country!

This conference will provide attendees with insights from industry experts that will cover:
- Special considerations and planning opportunities for the EB-5
  immigrant and investor 
- How to reach investors in China
- How to structure tax efficient approaches for the foreign investor including non resident investors, EB5 investors, and corporate investors and funds 
- What properties and locations will be attractive to the Asia buyer

Who Should Attend:
- Real Estate Developers
- Real Estate Agents and Brokers
- Real Estate Attorneys
- Immigration Lawyers
- Financial Advisors
- Commercial Bankers

Program information, speaker bios and registration:

Friday, April 22, 2011

Chinese High Net Worth Individuals Keen on Immigration Investment

Yesterday China Merchants Bank issued "China's Private Wealth Report 2011" that shows that China has 50 million people with more than ten million USD in assets. Interests in investing domestic real estate is cooling off and the enthusiasm for immigration investment is getting stronger. The report indicates that about 27% Chinese billionaires have completed emigration investment.

Governor O'Malley To Lead Business Executives and Educators on Asian Trade Mission

ANNAPOLIS, MD (April 19, 2011) – In an effort to strengthen ties and increase trade and investment with one of the world’s fastest growing economic regions, Governor Martin O’Malley today announced that he will lead a 10-day economic development mission to Asia departing in late May. The Governor, who has previously led international missions to Israel, Ireland and Sweden, will join business leaders and educators for stops in China, Korea and Vietnam, all top or emerging export markets for Maryland. The State has long maintained a strong presence in Asia, opening the Maryland China Center in 1996 and becoming the first U.S. state to open a trade and investment office in China. The State also has trade offices in South Korea; Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi in Vietnam; as well as Taiwan and India. The Governor announced the trade mission during the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with City of Seoul, South Korea’s Mayor Oh Se-hoon, which seeks to increase trade and investment opportunities, particularly in science and technology, between Maryland and Seoul. 
“I look forward to leading this economic development mission not only to strengthen our long-standing relationships in China, Korea and Vietnam, but to ensure that we help Maryland-based companies tap into the tremendous economic expansion that is sweeping across Asia,” said Governor O’Malley. “With economists predicting that Asia could have 50 percent of global GDP by 2050, it is critical that we move forward now to explore new opportunities for trade and investment, particularly in our shared strengths on science and technology.”
The mission’s delegation will include Maryland Secretary of State John McDonough, Secretary of Business and Economic Development Christian S. Johansson, and Director of Ethnic Commissions David Lee, as well as more than a dozen private sector and academic leaders, including University of Maryland, College President Wallace Loh and the Governor’s International Advisory Board Chair and Chairman Emeritus of RTKL Harold Adams.
As part of the mission, the Governor and his delegation will meet with potential investment and trade partners and government leaders, including a visit to the City of Seoul. The Governor will address the 13th Shanghai Bio-Forum, one of China’s largest biopharmaceutical events, which attracts leaders from China’s top drug companies, and will visit the Johns Hopkins University-Nanjing University Center for Chinese and American Studies. The delegation will also participate in the Maryland in China Banquet, which will bring together Maryland companies in Shanghai as well as Chinese firms to discuss trade and investment in Maryland.
Last year, the Maryland Department of Business and Economic Development’s Office of International Trade and Investment engaged more than 250 Asian companies, helping to attract six new foreign firms from China and Korea to Maryland. In addition, the Office assisted 75 Maryland companies export their products to Asia, helping to generate $65 million in sales.
Maryland’s growing minority community accounts for all of the State’s population growth in the past 10 years. The State’s Asian population has grown by more than 50 percent since 2000, with Asian residents numbering more than 300,000.
The O’Malley-Brown Administration has taken significant steps to ramp up the State’s international outreach, including opening a number of number of foreign offices in targeted countries, convening the Governor’s International Advisory Council to provide strategic direction and develop a plan to enhance Maryland’s global profile, expanding the capacity of the Port of Baltimore with a new 50-foot berth,  and opening the State’s first International Incubator in 2009 at the University of Maryland, College Park to help foreign-owned companies launch U.S. operations.
The efforts have produced significant results. Since 2007, Maryland has attracted more than 40 foreign-owned companies from high-growth countries, including China, Brazil, Korea, Russia, India, Sweden and the United Kingdom, with about one-quarter of these companies locating in the International Incubator. Companies range from Ellickson Software, an Ireland-based supplier of software and hardware to the hospitality industry which has an American location in Baltimore City, to Daewoong Pharmaceutical, the largest prescription drug supplier in Korea which has its U.S. operations in Montgomery County. Over the past two years, the State has opened foreign offices in Russia, India and Colombia to attract foreign-owned companies to Maryland and encourage trade opportunities. The offices, which are opened on a contingency basis with no up-front cost to taxpayers, are part of the State’s network of foreign offices in China (Shanghai), France (Paris), Israel (Haifa), South Korea (Seoul), Taiwan (Taipei), Vietnam (Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City) and the Western Balkans (Montenegro).

Maryland is well-positioned for growth in the global market, with more than 300 foreign-owned companies from 30 countries currently calling Maryland home. Roughly 105,000 Marylanders, or 3.5 percent of the workforce, are employed by foreign-owned firms, with companies headquartered in the Netherlands, United Kingdom and Germany as the top three foreign employers in Maryland. 

Maryland’s Office of International Investment and Trade works to stimulate foreign direct investment in the State, offers export assistance for small and mid-sized Maryland companies and coordinates international trade and investment missions and trade show opportunities for Maryland companies. For more information on resources available to business that want to market their products or services globally, visit

Sunday, April 17, 2011

EB-5 Investors Procurement Seminar Announced in Houston Texas

Speakers from a range of disciplines will address “EB-5 Regional Center Designation, Management and Investors Procurement” at a Friday, April. 29, 2011, seminar in Houston, Texas, Artisan Business Group, Inc., announced today. Presenters include well-known EB-5 professionals such as: Brian Su, CEO of Artisan Business Group, Inc.; Jose Latour of Latour Law;  Jo Ann Clarke, Founder of The EB-5 Resource Center; Dr. Scott W Barnhart, Barnhart Economics Services, LLC; John Jiang, US Managing Director of Henry Global Consulting Group; Michael Gibson,; and Thomas Shou of SinoTrans International. EB-5  Immigrant Investor Program was created by Congress in 1990 to stimulate the U.S. economy through job creation and capital investment. Immigrant investors create a new commercial enterprise or invest in a troubled business, and high net worth overseas investors get an available and expedient green card option. More than $2.5 billion has been invested in American enterprises through EB-5 in the last five years, creating tens of thousands of new jobs for U.S. workers. China and Korea are the largest markets for the U.S. EB-5 regional center investment projects.

The Houston EB-5 seminar will provide the latest legal and market information and updates to real estate and legal professionals who are experienced with EB-5 program and to those who are new to the program, including:

    *     Immigration and business attorneys: The EB-5 program is a highly beneficial permanent residence option for wealthy investors from China, Korea, Latin America, the Middle East and other parts of the world .

    *     Businesses considering EB-5 alternative capital: Given the current condition of the financial market, the EB-5 program may be the answer for many real estate and clean energy as well as various type of investment projects without traditional capital funding.

    *     Potential EB-5 Regional Center sponsors and developers: More than 90 percent of EB-5 investment is conducted through federally approved and designated EB-5 Regional Centers.

    *     Current EB-5 Regional Centers: The seminar will address developing a project through a Regional Center, properly setting up escrow accounts, drafting USCIS-compliant business plans, Regional Center administration and structuring an EB-5 enterprise, and effectively promoting and marketing the investment projects in China and other countries.

“The U.S. government created and established the EB-5 regional center pilot program. We’ve seen a lot interests from Chinese and Korean investors in past two years” said Brain Su, an EB-5 marketing expert speaking at the seminar. “Every day we learn something new about the EB-5 program. This seminar will help more real estate developers and investment communities to access the benefits of this unique EB-5 program.”
Registration for the April 29, 2011, seminar at the DoubleTree Guest Suites by the Galleria in Houston, Texas, is available at Group discount is available.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Chinese Companies Seek US Industrial and Joint Venture Opportunities

Chinese privately owned companies are seeking industrial, manufacturing, and various joint venture opportunities with U.S. based companies. Any interested parties shall contact us today.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Artisan Business Group Announces US Real Estate Investment Seminar in Las Vegas

Artisan Business Group announces a new "Attracting Chinese/Asian Investors to US Real Estate Seminar" in Las Vegas May 25, 2011. The seminar is designed to educate American real estate developers, real estate agents, financial services, insurance, international business attorneys and immigration attorneys who like to serve wealthy Chinese and Asian investors that are interested in investing in real estate and buying real properties in the U.S.  Featured speakers include experts in immigration, real estate investment, international taxation and accounting, international marketing and Chinese migration service.  See details at