Friday, October 12, 2012

EB-5 trade mission to China: two spots left!

The Shanghai EB-5 Business & Investment Exploratory Delegation (Nov 13-20, 2012) provides an eye-opening and networking opportunity, which if you decide to attend, will give an insider’s view that can help you advance in the Chinese capital market. The event does so by providing you with an advantageous position which will allow for trusting relationships to be built both through business and networking events. We will be meeting leading EB-5 agents in China.  Our cut-off date for regular registration is October 15, call Mr. Tyler McKay at 217-899-6661 for enrollment.

Updated Tentative Itinerary
Tuesday, November 13 Depart the United States
Wednesday, November 14 Arrive in Shanghai, Welcome banquet by Brian Su
Thursday, November 15 Meeting with Wailian Overseas Group and business luncheon with Wailian staff; Meeting with Greenberg Traurig Shanghai offices, Networking Reception hosted by Greenberg Traurig
Friday, November 16 Meeting with Worldway Group, Fly Overseas Group and Crowe Horwath International
Saturday, November 17 “The Evening of Shanghai” private dealmaking reception with emigration agents and investors at JC Mandarin Hotel
Sunday, November 18 US China Business Association Annual US-China Outstanding Contribution Awards Ceremony, Sino-US Investment Forum featuring Roel Campos, former Commissioner of SEC, Patric M. Byrne, Chairman & CEO,, US Investment Project Presentations,  Cocktail Reception at Fudan University
Monday, November 19 Meeting with Shanghai International Finance Research Centre, Meeting with Maslink Group, Meeting with Marcum LLP Accountants & Advisors, Farewell banquet by Brian Su
Tuesday, November 20 Depart Shanghai, Arrive in United States