Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Invest in America 2013 (Shanghai) Summit and Exhibition announced

Dear Exhibitor:

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the Invest in America 2013 (Shanghai) Summit and Exhibition. The event is scheduled March 15-18, 2013, and will take place in Shanghai, the Peoples’ Republic of China.

2013 will mark the 3rd annual Invest in America Summit in Shanghai. The summit has proven to be a huge success over the past two years, and will continue to provide the largest American themed business event in Shanghai. In 2013, the event is planned along with the Shanghai Spring Real Estate Expo which has over 80,000 to 100,000 visitors at the same convention center. Chinese executives and investors, as well as over 100 emigration agents are expected, exceeding the number of previous years. 
The successful 2012 (Shanghai) Summit attracted nearly 6,000 potential investors and business executives, some traveling from as far as Xinjiang Province and Inner Mongolia.  Over 30 emigration companies from various cities attended the Chinese Emigration Roundtable and the exhibition. The Chinese Emigration Roundtable is one of the most professional EB-5 forums.
The summit is designed for and welcomes the participation of, but is not limited to, the following: U.S. investment projects; Real estate developers and brokerage firms; Franchises; PE and VC companies; Financial services; Law Firms; Investment and banking institutions; Fractional property operators; International trade agencies; Government officials; and Colleges and training institutions. 

Access to multiple major Chinese media outlets and national business networks are among the top reasons to attend. Because of such attractions, and the many other benefits, the event creates a large pool of investors and executives that are interested in learning about investment, business, and educational opportunities in the United States. 
The 2013 Summit, featuring various presentations and exhibitions, will enable Chinese business executives and investors to learn more about the opportunities of your company and clients. As a participant, sponsor, and/or speaker, you will gain credibility, a heightened professional profile, and recognition at the event. This opportunity is unique. It provides the benefit of proximity, allowing you to meet Chinese businessmen in person. This helps ease the reluctant nature of foreign investors. It shows that you and your business are legitimate, and sincerely dedicated to securing and assuring their investment. 
If you have attended previously, we look forward to reuniting with you and hearing of your business endeavors. If you have not attended in the past, we look forward to experiencing Shanghai with you for the first time, a memory that will not soon be forgotten. The luxurious environment, with complete service functions and profound customer resources, create an experience that is both beneficial and enjoyable.

For more information and future updates, please go to www.EB5NewsBlog.org or http://www.InvestAmerica2013.org.
We look forward to seeing you in Shanghai.


The Invest in America 2013 (Shanghai) Summit and Exhibition
Event Organizing Committee