Monday, April 4, 2011

Seeking US Phramaceutical Company for M&A

A China-based pharmaceutical company is seeking candidate companies for M&A purpose. This Chinese company is well-established in the China market and produces a wide range of pharmaceutical products.   The latest annual revenue of the candidate should ideally be in the range of US$ 50 million -- 100 million, and its key products should have passed regulatory certifications in its main markets. Private companies will be preferred over public companies as candidates. Priority consideration may be given to candidate companies in North America and Western Europe, as well as Indian targets that are well integrated into the international market.   The Chinese company will prefer to acquire a majority stake, and may settle as a minority shareholder if it can be represented in the target’s board of directors.

Contact us today.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Brian Su's Houston EB-5 Seminar- April 29th- COME SEE US!

(Source: Jose Latour)

Anyone who has sought EB-5 investors from China and doesn't know who Brian Su is needs to take a step back and regroup.  The reality is that China, as the world's largest consumer of EB-5 Immigrant Investor visas, is the "Wild, Wild East" for EB-5 Regional Centers looking for Chinese VC.  China's booming investor market is administered by an unpoliced independent agency network which ranges from the extremely professional and reliable to the downright criminal.  The decision on WHO your Regional Center should work with in China is not to be taken lightly.
In 2010, an RC client wanted to plan some China events.  Although I like to think of myself as a seasoned veteran in that part of the world, it's been 14 years since I closed my satellite offices in Hong Kong and Manila;  when I last had an office there, Hong Kong was still an independant British protectorate, returning to Chinese authority in 1997!  Fourteen year old expertise is an oxymoron, needless to say.
Accordingly, I did what all intrepid attorneys do: I Googled. Then I Googled some more.  Then I called a few friends here and there.  And then I Yahooed.  All roads - and I do mean all roads -- led to Brian Su.  My initial reaction was that perhaps I'd finally found a guy better at marketing himself than me, a Deepak Chopra of EB5dom, if you will.  'Twas indeed the case, but for different reasons: Brian was the ubiquitous name not because of his self-promotion but, rather, because of the unique role he has carved out as the primary resource on EB-5 marketing in China available to the EB-5 industry, plain and simple.
I called Brian and he was as approachable as anyone with whom I've ever bantered EB-5 matters.  That led to another call with the client.  After patiently explaining the nature of EB-5 marketing in China to us and going over his services and fees, Brian did what many in the EB-5 sector simply would never do: he told us that he didn't think we were ready for China yet.  He explained that the client's project needed to have certain things in place and that he'd be happy to help us when it was time, but that he didn't want to take my client's money when he didn't think he could achieve their objectives as stated.  In an industry sector where mediocre attorneys with little understanding of the EB-5 routinely send spam touting their "expert" $75,000 EB-5 Regional Center formation services to clueless, cash-hungry developers, an honest man turning away a paying client is a notable contrast!
And so, like so many before me, I am an unabashed member of the "EB-5 in China = Brian Su" Fan Club.
On April 29th, 2011, Brian will be hosting another of his invaluable workshops (which sell out quickly), this time in Houston.  For the first time, he's invited several of us who live and breathe EB-5 to be a part of his presentation.  The folks he's invited, by no coincidence, just happen to be on the same page as Brian: straight-talking, no baloney experts who will give you the real lowdown on the EB-5 opportunity.  It's the first multifaceted, comprehensive seminar of its kind, and though the title is a bit unweildy (reminder to self: pithy lessons to Brian), it says it all:

EB-5 Regional Center Designation and Management, Investors Procurement and Project Case Study Seminar: Learn How EB-5 Program Helps You Fund Large Scale Real Estate, High Tech, Clean Energy and Manufacturing Investment Projects

If your project is considering targeting venture capital via the EB-5 visa category, this is an event you will NOT want to miss.  Your $569 seminar fee will get you a $10,000 education on EB-5, and you will learn the secrets, pitfalls, and strategies which those of us in this business have learned the hard way. 
Here's the link:
April 29th Houston EB-5 Seminar with Brian Su
P.S.I don't make a penny on this but tell Brian that Jose sent you so I can get the karma points...I want to be a regular on the Brian Su circuit! SEE YOU IN HOUSTON!

Monday, March 14, 2011

China May Allow its Citizens to Buy up to US$200,000 Foreign Currencies Each Year

According to a recent report published in the China Securities Journal, the City of Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province has become the first Chinese city to allow private citizens to invest in overseas projects. The report stated that the city had already unveiled a pilot project that allowed its citizens to invest up to US$200 million abroad annually. According to the pilot program, individuals who are over 18 years old and have registered their legal residence in the City of Wenzhou and have passports would be allowed to make direct overseas investments.  Applicants are not be allowed to invest in countries that do not have diplomatic ties with the People's Republic of China.
Mr. Zhou Xiaoping, a local economic and foreign trade affairs, said that the pilot program is aimed at creating a regulated overseas investment channel for individuals, encouraging private investors to take part in international commercial cooperation and liberalizing the city's economy.

Chinese citizens are currently only allowed to exchange a maximum of US$50,000 worth of foreign currencies annually.  A recent news report indicated that Chinese government is ready to loosen its foreign exchange policy and allows private citizens to buy a maximum of US$200,000 worth of foreign currencies.  If the policy becomes effect, more Chinese citizens will be interested in investing in foreign countries.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Las Vegas Conference Feature Chinese Migration Firm: Worldway Immigration Services Ltd.

Dr. Xing and Joop Bollen of SDRC
Dr. Winner Xing, CEO of Worldway International Development Limited and Worldway Immigration Services, Ltd., will be speaking at the Las Vegas EB-5 Investors Procurement Conference on Feb 20, 2011.  The Chinese licensed migration consulting firm was established in Hong Kong in 1998; it is engaged in EB-5 immigration consulting services and provides professional services through its Chinese mainland offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Qingdao, Shenzhen, and Macao.  Worldway is highly experienced in advising its Chinese prospective clients on EB-5 program and Regional Center projects.  The firm is headed by Dr. Winner Xing; and it is currently promoting Idaho State Regional Center and South Dakota Regional Center projects.

American Real Estate Companies Seek New Opportunities in China

Many commercial real estate developers and investment projects are looking to the East to seek investment capital and funding. CMB Export, LLC, Mirzam Investor Green Card Regional Center, CIPS - Certified International Property Specialist, and RCI-FirstPathway Partners are the newest exhibitors with the Invest in America 2011 (Guangzhou) Summit to promote their services and projects to Chinese investors. The event host Wailian Overseas Consulting Group estimates that the event is to attract over 10,000 business executives and investors around China. For more information about the Summit, log on

Monday, February 7, 2011

Commerical Real Estate Developers Look Into EB-5 Regional Center Program for Alternative Capital

New York City EB-5 Seminar January 25, 2011

Commercial real estate developers around the country are looking into EB-5 regional center pilot program to raise capital from foreign immigrant investors who are typically from China, Korea, the U.K., India, and the Middle East region. There are over 130 EB-5 regional centers approved by USCIS.  Las Vegas EB-5 Conference on Feb 19-20 offers great opportunities for real estate developers and immigration attorneys who are interested in the EB-5 immigrant investor program.  To learn more about EB-5 Conference in Las Vegas, please log on

Sunday, February 6, 2011

China Trade Show: Promoting US Real Estate at the Invest in America 2011 (Guangzhou) Summit - Immigration and Investment Opportunities

Invest in America 2011 (Guangzhou) Summit - Immigration and Investment Opportunities is the largest American investment conference and exhibition in China this year.  With instant access to major Chinese media and nationwide business network by Wailian Group's 20 offices around the country, the Summit will attract large crowds of interested investors and business executives who are eager to learn more about your investment and business opportunities.  The event encourages and welcomes U.S. EB-5 regional centers,  investment project developers,  real estate brokerage firms, franchises, PE and VC companies, financial services, attorneys, CPAs, international trade agencies, government officials, and colleges to participate in exhibition and presentations.  The exhibition will take place at the five-star Guangzhou Grand Hyatt hotel with a large exhibition venue, four meeting rooms and excellent amenities.  In addition to individual booth space in the exhibition hall, exhibitors will have opportunities to present project seminars and private meetings with potential investors and partners.

To register today, please log on

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

EB-5 Regional Center Conference in Las Vegas Announced

After three successful EB-5 seminars in Chicago and New York City, Artisan Business Group is planning and hosting a one day "EB-5 Regional Centers Promotion and Investors Procurement - Meeting Migration Brokers and VIP Speakers from China, Taiwan, Korea and the US" Conference at Stratosphere Hotel on Feb 20, 2011. For the first time, top executives with licensed Chinese migration companies will join us in Las Vegas. Come to meet with the major brokers that have served over 50% Chinese market capacity.The event will be one of the best EB-5 conferences this year; it is sponsored by Wailian Overseas Consulting Group and NES Financial.

VIP Speakers and Guests (tentative):

Mr. John Jiang, Managing Director of Henry Global (China)
Ms. Hong Yu, US Project Manager, Wailian Overseas Consulting Group (China)
Dr. Winner Xing, CEO, Worldway Investment and Immigration (China)
Ms. Ling Zhang, General Manager, Worldway Investment (Macau)
Ms. Lucy Shi, CEO, Haiyi Immigration (China)
Mr. Lu Sun, VP, MasLink Group (China)
Mr. David Enterline, Immigration Attorney, WTW Taipei (Taiwan)
Mr. Yongjin Lee, Immigration Attorney, Jin Lee Law Group (Korea)
Ms. Melody Chen, China Managing Director, Artisan Business Group, Inc. (Hong Kong)

Mr. John Li, Managing Director,
Mr. George Ekins, CEO, Los Angeles Regional Center & Las Vegas Regional Center
Mr. Brian Dickens, Administrator, Idaho Department of Commerce

Mr. Michael Gibson, Managing Principal, USAdvisors
Mr. Brian Terwilliger, Vice President, NES Financial

More details are coming soon, Space is very limited, please register today at