Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Artisan Business Group to sponsor Chinese Christian Business Conference

Artisan Business Group is to sponsor Chinese Christian Business Conference in Hong Kong this summer. Christian population has been growing in last three decades. Today, China has over 70 million Christians, many of them are owners of private enterprises and businesses.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Chinese nationals required to report foreign assets

Chinese nationals will be required to report their overseas assets and debt situation to the country's State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), the new regulation will become effective January 1, 2014. The move is an attempt by SAFE to keep an eye on outbound investment and money transfers. Many Chinese investors and corrupt officials are using illegal methods to transfer large amounts of capital to foreign countries, including the USA. The Chinese company party also takes measures to require high ranking party officials to report family's overseas connections and family member's immigration status.

To learn more about Chinese investors market, come to join us in Las Vegas Feb. 5, 2014.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Artisan Business Group and China Express plan trade mission to China

Artisan Business Group and New York based China Express will be organizing and leading an investment and business exploratory trade mission to Hangzhou, Beijing and Jiangxi Province China in March 2014.  The delegation will be meeting with Chinese business and investment communities as well as business officials in Hangzhou, Beijing and Jiangxi Province.  The one week trade mission will take place immediately following the Invest in America 2014 (Shanghai) Summit March 22-23, 2014. To learn more about this unique business opportunity, please bookmark our blog for future update.

Friday, December 27, 2013

DHS OIG issues report on EB-5 regional center program

DHS OIG releases report on EB-5 regional center program, a copy of report (PDF) can be downloaded at our website's homepage http://www.ArtisanBusinessGroup.com.

Monday, December 23, 2013

ABG team to visit TX, NYC and FL

ABG team is to visit multiple EB-5 investment projects and provides one-on-one consultation sessions in Dallas January 6-7, 2014, New York City January 8-10, 2014, and Orlando January 14, 2014 and Miami January 15-16, 2014. For more information about our private EB-5 program consulting opportunities, click to register early.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Tips for shipping exhibition items to China

Many foreign companies attend exhibitions and trade shows in China, there are tips when dealing with Chinese Customs!  If you are planning on shipping your booth items or printing items to your hotel in China, in order for your shipment to be cleared at the Chinese Customs, please make sure to follow the instructions below:

  1. Please put your name (not company name, should be individual person's name) as the Recipient's Name.
  2. Please attach a written explanation with your shipment document to explain why you send the items to this business address, and indicate this is for personal use (it'll be much easier to have your items be cleared at the Customs if it is listed as personal item);
  3. Please attach a copy of recipient's passport along with your shipment document. Make sure include these pages: the photo page, Chinese visa stamp page and entry stamp pages.
  4. You will be responsible for the Customs duties if applicable.
  5. Ship items earlier so that it will arrive on time.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Travel Tips: how to get a China Visa

For those who have never been to China, here are some tips on getting a Chinese Visa. Mostly likely you will be applying for a business Visa, make sure you have a valid passport, 2 recent passport photos and an invitation letter from a Chinese party. If you live in the area that is not close to any Chinese Consulate General offices, you can use one of the following 3rd party services. They can handle your Visa application in a timely manner. Prior to sending out your passport and application, carefully read instructions on these websites.

Chinese Visa Office

China Visa Service Center

Chinese Service Center of America

2014 Shanghai Summit takes exhibitor applications

Wailian Overseas Consulting Group, the organizer of the Invest in America 2014 (Shanghai) Summit and Exhibition, announces exhibition booth and sponsorship program availability. The 4th annual event will be taking place at Jing An Shangri-la Hotel Shanghai China March 22-23, 2014. You can download Exhibitor and Sponsor Application Form at http://www.InvestinAmerica2014.org or contact us at artisanbusiness@gmail.com for details.