Monday, November 12, 2012

Brian Su leads trade mission to China

Mr. Brian Su, CEO of Artisan Business Group, will be leading a 17-person EB-5 trade mission to Shanghai on November 13, 2012. The one week trade mission includes senior executives from the EB-5 Resource Center LLC, RockBridge Senior Communities, LLC, Lucky's Farmers Market, Mountain State Center for Foreign Investment, Midwest Center for Foreign Investment, Daniel Real Estate, Alterra International LLC, California Future Partners, LLC, Western Pacific Investment EB-5 RC LLC, The Robert Green Company, Micon International, and attorneys with Greenberg Traurig.

The group will be meeting with leading EB-5 agents such as Wailian Overseas Consulting Group, Worldway Group, Fly Overseas Group, MasLink Group, Join Consultancy Group, and the 2nd largest law firm Ying Ke Law Firm, as well as participating in other business networking events, including the Annual Award Conference and Investment Forum hosted by the US-China Business Association, the Business Reception hosted by Greenberg Traurig Shanghai Office, the Private Networking Cocktail Party by the Chairman Club by Brian B. Su, and an investment seminar event in Suzhou City hosted by Join Consultancy Group.

Friday, November 9, 2012

President Obama's Foreign Priority

Newly reelected President Obama has voiced his opinion on becoming stricter with U.S. and China trade. The most recent concern, automobile subsidies, according to President Obama, directly harm working men and women in the United States. During his past election term, the majority of conflict with China revolved around the issues of trade and currency manipulation. Recent foreign concerns seem to be directed towards the Middle East, with concerns such as the Arab springs. With such demanding and daunting challenges, it is unlikely that China will become a focal point. If in fact trade does become a more highly regulated and strict process, there will be a surge in Chinese outbound investment, as it provides the most lucrative option in the global market. As recent as September, 2012, President Obama signed a 3 year extension of the EB-5 program. With its success, and the job creation - making up the difference between those claimed to have been lost - it is predicted to not only continue, but to excel in the years to come.

Monday, October 29, 2012

The Invest in America 2013 (Shanghai) Summit & Exhibition announced

2012 Summit in Shanghai
The Invest in America 2013 (Shanghai) Summit & Exhibition - Immigration and Investment Opportunities is the 3rd annual USA-themed investment conference and exhibition in China.  With instant access to major Chinese media and nationwide business network, the event will attract large crowds of interested investors and business executives who are eager to learn more about your investment and business opportunities.  This event is to be conducted differently than previous events in Guangzhou and Shanghai.  The 2013 Summit will be extended to a 4-day event and to be held along with "Shanghai Property Trade Show" under a single roof at Shanghai Exhibition Center. The Shanghai Property Trade Show has been running for 15 years, boasting a vast exhibition space and a large number of visitors, the average number of audiences for Shanghai Property Trade Show is 40,000 people. The Summit will benefit from a large audiences flowing from the Shanghai Property Trade Show.

The event encourage and welcomes U.S. EB-5 regional centers, investment project developers, real estate brokerage firms, franchises, PE and VC companies, financial services, attorneys, CPAs, international trade agencies, government officials, and colleges to participate in exhibitions and presentations.  The four-day exhibition will take place at the five-star facility with a large exhibition venue and excellent amenities.  In addition to individual booth space in the exhibition hall, exhibitors will have opportunities to present project seminars, workshops, and private meetings with potential investors and partners. 

For Booth or Sponsorship Info, Please Contact:
Conference Coordinators
Ms. Sherry Xu or Ms. Hong Yu
160 W. Valley Blvd., #E
San Gabriel, CA 91776
Tel#: (626)280-0851
Cell#: (626)200-9273 or 1-904-347-1742
Authorized Event Promoter
Mr. Brian Su or Mr. Tyler McKay
Artisan Business Group, Inc.
Tel# (217) 899-6661

Official Event Websites

Event Schedule
Check-in and Setup:
  2:00 pm – 6:00 pm March 14, 2013
Exhibition Date:   10:00 am – 5:00 pm March 15-18, 2013
Dismantling Date: Starting at 5:00 pm March 18, 2013

Sunday, October 28, 2012

US investment project developers set to a China trade mission Nov 13-20, 2012

Mr. Brian Su, CEO of Artisan Business Group, will be leading an 15-person EB-5 trade mission to ShanghaiExecutives from  Alterra International LLC, California Future Partners LLC, Daniel Real Estate,  the EB-5 Resource Center LC,  Greenberg Traurig LLP, Lucky's Farmers Market, Mountain States Center for Foreign Investment, Midwest Center for Foreign Investment, The Robert Green Company, Rockbridge Senior Communities, LLC, Western Pacific Investment EB-5 RC LLC, will be participating in the exploratory trade mission.

The group will be meeting with leading EB-5 agents such as Wailian Overseas Consulting Group, Worldway Group, Fly Overseas Group, MasLink Group, Join Consultancy Group, and the 2nd largest law firm Ying Ke Law Firm, as well as participating in other business networking events, including the Annual Award Conference and Investment Forum hosted by the US-China Business Association, the Business Reception hosted by Greenberg Traurig Shanghai Office, the Private Networking Cocktail Party by the Chairman Club by Brian B. Su, and the Annual Carnival of Fly Overseas Group, a private bus tour to Suzhou City hosted by Join Consultancy Group.

The Shanghai EB-5 Business & Investment Exploratory Delegation (Nov 13-20, 2012) provides an eye-opening and exclusive networking opportunity with leading EB-5 emigration agents, large Chinese law firm, and other business executives, which if you decide to attend, will give an insider’s view that can help you advance in the Chinese capital market. The event does so by providing you with an advantageous position which will allow for trusting relationships to be built both through business and networking events.  Call Mr. Tyler McKay at 217-899-6661 or email for detailed information.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Chinese wealth continues to grow

As the Chinese population continues to increase, so does the amount of China’s high-net-worth individuals.

In a recent article found in CNBC, “China Urban Population Set to Explode…” it has been predicted that with the rapid increase of urban population in China could potentially raise the growth rate by .8 percentage points to 8.5 percent in 2015 and by 1.6 percentage points to 7.1 percent in 2020, underpinning sustained growth of 6-8 percent in the coming decade with an expected increase of 300 million.

A recent report in US News indicates that the amount of high net worth individuals (individuals with over $1 million in investable assets) in the US has dropped by 1.1 percent over the past year, but China’s has increased by 5.2 percent ( 27,000 individuals).

Even with predictions of export decrease as the United States and European countries struggle, the wealthy are not concerned. With the rapid expansion of the population any slowdown is temporary as the population consumption rate with close the gap that exports leave. With the increase in wealth on the rise, more and more high-net-worth individuals are looking for profitable investment opportunities in the United States. For more information about raising EB-5 capital, contact us today.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Miami will host EB-5 investment and finance workshop Nov. 8, 2012

Artisan Business Group, Inc., announces the latest EB-5 finance workshop event in Miami, Florida, on November 8, 2012.   The EB-5 experts, attorneys, commercial real estate developers and bankers will meet on the beautiful beach of Miami Florida. This day-long event will begin at 9:00am and will end at 5:00pm. The meeting will be held at the DoubleTree by Hilton Ocean Point Resort & Spa, an ocean front resort with an attractive location allowing for many after-hours activities. Those having previously attended and are knowledgeable of EB-5 business activities, as well as individuals unfamiliar with EB-5 are encouraged to attend the event for its many beneficial business opportunities.

The event will bring EB-5 Regional Center executives, commercial real estate developers, investment project developers, hotel operators, immigration attorneys, EB-5 consultants, economic development officials, investment bankers, and financial advisors together for a collective purpose: obtaining knowledge while building relationships. This will lead to the promotion, growth, and longevity of both overseas investments and also US business operations. 

This is a pre-holiday bash, with an emphasis on networking (which translates as a great time with good company). Participants will be able to enjoy work, escape the mundane office, and experience an exciting platform by joining the team in Miami for a fun event that breaks the traditional business conference mold.

During the event attendees with hear numerous Successful EB-5 experiences. Attendees present will include other EB-5 experts and corporate elites from around the world. This will provide an excellent networking opportunity. The event will match project developers with approved EB-5 regional Center programs. Discussions will include the latest updates of EB-5 regional center programs, current as well as future EB-5 program trends, new market trends in China and other global markets. The event is designed to attract foreign investors to real estate and business opportunities.

For more information about the upcoming event in Miami Florida, log on

Friday, October 12, 2012

EB-5 trade mission to China: two spots left!

The Shanghai EB-5 Business & Investment Exploratory Delegation (Nov 13-20, 2012) provides an eye-opening and networking opportunity, which if you decide to attend, will give an insider’s view that can help you advance in the Chinese capital market. The event does so by providing you with an advantageous position which will allow for trusting relationships to be built both through business and networking events. We will be meeting leading EB-5 agents in China.  Our cut-off date for regular registration is October 15, call Mr. Tyler McKay at 217-899-6661 for enrollment.

Updated Tentative Itinerary
Tuesday, November 13 Depart the United States
Wednesday, November 14 Arrive in Shanghai, Welcome banquet by Brian Su
Thursday, November 15 Meeting with Wailian Overseas Group and business luncheon with Wailian staff; Meeting with Greenberg Traurig Shanghai offices, Networking Reception hosted by Greenberg Traurig
Friday, November 16 Meeting with Worldway Group, Fly Overseas Group and Crowe Horwath International
Saturday, November 17 “The Evening of Shanghai” private dealmaking reception with emigration agents and investors at JC Mandarin Hotel
Sunday, November 18 US China Business Association Annual US-China Outstanding Contribution Awards Ceremony, Sino-US Investment Forum featuring Roel Campos, former Commissioner of SEC, Patric M. Byrne, Chairman & CEO,, US Investment Project Presentations,  Cocktail Reception at Fudan University
Monday, November 19 Meeting with Shanghai International Finance Research Centre, Meeting with Maslink Group, Meeting with Marcum LLP Accountants & Advisors, Farewell banquet by Brian Su
Tuesday, November 20 Depart Shanghai, Arrive in United States

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Invest in America 2013 (Shanghai) Summit and Exhibition announced

Dear Exhibitor:

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the Invest in America 2013 (Shanghai) Summit and Exhibition. The event is scheduled March 15-18, 2013, and will take place in Shanghai, the Peoples’ Republic of China.

2013 will mark the 3rd annual Invest in America Summit in Shanghai. The summit has proven to be a huge success over the past two years, and will continue to provide the largest American themed business event in Shanghai. In 2013, the event is planned along with the Shanghai Spring Real Estate Expo which has over 80,000 to 100,000 visitors at the same convention center. Chinese executives and investors, as well as over 100 emigration agents are expected, exceeding the number of previous years. 
The successful 2012 (Shanghai) Summit attracted nearly 6,000 potential investors and business executives, some traveling from as far as Xinjiang Province and Inner Mongolia.  Over 30 emigration companies from various cities attended the Chinese Emigration Roundtable and the exhibition. The Chinese Emigration Roundtable is one of the most professional EB-5 forums.
The summit is designed for and welcomes the participation of, but is not limited to, the following: U.S. investment projects; Real estate developers and brokerage firms; Franchises; PE and VC companies; Financial services; Law Firms; Investment and banking institutions; Fractional property operators; International trade agencies; Government officials; and Colleges and training institutions. 

Access to multiple major Chinese media outlets and national business networks are among the top reasons to attend. Because of such attractions, and the many other benefits, the event creates a large pool of investors and executives that are interested in learning about investment, business, and educational opportunities in the United States. 
The 2013 Summit, featuring various presentations and exhibitions, will enable Chinese business executives and investors to learn more about the opportunities of your company and clients. As a participant, sponsor, and/or speaker, you will gain credibility, a heightened professional profile, and recognition at the event. This opportunity is unique. It provides the benefit of proximity, allowing you to meet Chinese businessmen in person. This helps ease the reluctant nature of foreign investors. It shows that you and your business are legitimate, and sincerely dedicated to securing and assuring their investment. 
If you have attended previously, we look forward to reuniting with you and hearing of your business endeavors. If you have not attended in the past, we look forward to experiencing Shanghai with you for the first time, a memory that will not soon be forgotten. The luxurious environment, with complete service functions and profound customer resources, create an experience that is both beneficial and enjoyable.

For more information and future updates, please go to or
We look forward to seeing you in Shanghai.


The Invest in America 2013 (Shanghai) Summit and Exhibition
Event Organizing Committee